Flat River Nursery & Farm

Timberlake, NC

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Website     Facebook     frnandfarm@gmail.com

The Flat River Nursery has been a family farm since the 1700's. We live in a house, which is bordered by the Flat River in Person County. Charles' grandfather built their house.

Joan and Charles have been vendors at the Market since 1996. We think the Markets offers diverse opportunities for customers and vendors alike and are very happy to be part of it.

In the greenhouses we grow some of the Markets earliest tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. In the field we produce squash, okra, peppers, eggplant, pumpkins, corn, blackberries, heirloom tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and lots of other field tomatoes. We do hanging baskets, bedding plants, vegetable plants, herbs and mums.

Flat River Nursery & Farm attends the Saturday Market from March through the middle of November.