Sweetwater Pecan Orchard
Siler City, NC
Sweetwater Pecan Orchard started in 1996, and is owned and operated by Alfred de la Houssaye and his daughter Brianna. They grow and sell pecans, oriental persimmons, figs, grapes, eggs, chickens, vegetables, pears, apples, peaches, mushrooms, grafted trees, wood crafts, baked goods including pecan pies, chocolate pecan chewies, pecan perfections, and pralines.
Sweetwater Pecan Orchard sells at the Saturday Market.
Growing & Production Practices - All of our farm work and baking is done by father and daughter. We practice pesticide use only as needed, and many of our products need none, and use natural controls whenever possible. We graft our own trees and hatch our own chickens. Chickens are free-range, stable flocks that are unaltered over a three year rotation period. Our flocks have 100 sq. ft. per bird, as opposed to the USDA mandated 3 sq.ft. per bird. We include one rooster per dozen hens in each flock. Oriental persimmons, pears and muscadine grapes receive no pesticides or fertilizers of any kind. Baked goods are produced in our certified kitchen and made within 24 hours of marketing.