Perry-winkle Farm

Chapel Hill, NC


Despite having a Chapel Hill mailing address, Perry-winkle Farm is situated 9 miles from the market in northern Chatham County.  Mike Perry and Cathy Jones have been cultivating crops on their 33-acre farm since 1991.  What started as a ¼ acre garden space has been slowly expanded to cover over 4 acres of production area. They grow seasonal vegetables (with a focus on potatoes, peppers, and garlic) and a wide variety of cut flowers. They raise pastured laying hens that live in “Egg McMansions” which are moved all over their 8 acres of pasture and rotated with crops in the production fields.  

Growing Practices - The farm uses sustainable practices such as cover crops, crop rotation, and biodiversity to help keep pests and diseases in check and to enhance crop quality. While they are no longer certified organic, they continue to use only soil amendments and pest treatments that are allowed by the National Organic Program.

Perry-winkle Farm sells at the Saturday and Wednesday Markets.