In the summer of 2015, we started our Market Bunch kids activities at the Carrboro Farmers' Market. Market Bunch provides a weekly opportunity for local kids to become familiar with local food systems and gives a space for kids to interact with farmers, try seasonal foods, and learn about local farms.
Market Bunch operates every Wednesday market during the main season. Kids participate in activities and can receive coupons for their participation. These activities include educational games, tasting new fruits and vegetables, and activities which encourage them to interact with local farmers, food, and agriculture. We also host different local chefs who prepare kid-friendly dishes with seasonal produce and provide recipes for families to take home.
2024 Market Bunch activities are sponsored by Orange County Farm Bureau.
Check out our 2024 Mark Bunch Impact Summary!

We’ll include the week’s Market Bunch activity in our Wednesday newsletter and we’ll post about it on our social media. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay in the loop!