Sunset Ridge Buffalo Farms

Roxboro, NC

Website     Facebook     (336) 599-1297

Jack and Sandy Pleasant raise bison on a farm that has been in Jack's family for 200 years. In 2001, the first bison were raised on forage grown on the farm. The bison herd consists of two breeding groups and one slaughter group, totaling 90-120 animals in rotation among 24 paddocks on over 160 acres of pasture. The farm offers farm tours and acts as an event venue for weddings and other gatherings, and sells bison meat, jerky, snack sticks, and bologna at the market.

Production Practices - Bison are raised strictly on forage grown on the farm. No growth hormones or routine antibiotics are used. Antibiotics are only used when attempting to save an animal's life or eyesight. 

Sunset Ridge Buffalo Farms sells at the Saturday Market.